- [+programme,station] 停止播放 to be/come off (the) air
- 羊八井ARGO实验Local Station的工作原理 Working elements of Local Station of YBJ-ARGO experiment
- GT-Power GT-Power
- 主要用于将数据输入计算机中的一种用户终端。同data collection station。 A user terminal primarily designed for entering data into a computer.
- 在迈阿密的加油站(gas station)时务必说把油加满(fill up with gas), Make sure you fill up with gas at the gas station in Miami
- 您应该熟悉正在安装的POWER系统。 You should be familiar with the POWER system that you are installing.
- uiOne、deliveryOne、QPoint、Mobile Station Modem和MSM是高通公司的商标。 UiOne, deliveryOne, QPoint, Mobile Station Modem and MSM are trademarks of Qualcomm Incorporated.
- POWER BUILDER中状态条服务的应用 Application of the Status Bar Service in PowerBuilder
- 在POWER处理器上运行Linux有什么优点? What are the advantages of running Linux on the POWER processors?
- 但到曼?斯特的加油站(petrol station)时则应该说把油箱加满汽油(top up the tank with petrol)。 but in Manchester you should top up the tank with petrol at the petrol station.
- 试比较strength、 power、 force、 vigour. Compare strength, power, force and vigour .
- 目前入门级pSeries服务器的一种POWER芯片。 One of the currently available POWER chips available for entry-level pSeries servers.
- 基于Power Builder的通用查询的设计与实现 Design and Implementation of Universal Query Based on PowerBuilder
- 您必须至少具有Power User特权,才能创建自定义原型。 You must have at least Power User privileges to create custom prototypes.
- 产品名称:EagleTec Power Master笔记本电脑万用火牛适配器 Product Description: EagleTec Power Master Notebook Computer Multiable Adapter
- 基于Power Extrapolation和Adaptive method的网页评估新算法 A New Algorithm Based on Power Extrapolation Algorithm and Adaptive Method
- 另一种是国家高性能计算中心 (合肥 )的工作站 (Power PC/ AIX)机群系统 . the other is a cluster of workstations (PowerPC/AIX) which has been built in National High Performance Computing Center at Hefei.
- 这个Windows系统必须可以通过网络访问运行管理服务器的POWER服务器上的Linux。 This Windows system must have network access to the Linux on POWER server running the Administration Server.
- Power Pack是外接程序、控件、组件和工具,可帮助您开发Visual Basic应用程序。 Power Packs are add-ins, controls, components, and tools to aid you in developing Visual Basic applications.
- 以便在一个仿真的环境中演示SoC,或者探索完全许可版本的Power Architecture技术。 To demo a SoC in a simulated environment, or just to explore the fully licensed version of Power Architecture technology.